eCommerce Pricing: Made Simple, Made for ROI
eCommerce Pricing:
Made Simple
eCommerce pricing examples using more or less customisation for better end user experience, and returns
This post will start to give more understanding of eCommerce – more deeply, more demonstratively – on why design + development eCommerce pricing plays a huge role in…
buying once, buying best
Building an eCommerce Website
Building an eCommerce Website is like buying + building a new car: you choose from a list of options and add-on extras (specifying the finish, refinement and performance) you need, you want. We believe most people will understand the website design and new car concept.
A new car takes you from A to B, a simple truth. So does an eCommerce store’s core functions. Though how your journey is experienced depends on the extras. A Range Rover Sport is very different to a Fiat 500 for example.
What does your eCommerce site need to do: for your business – for your customers?
Using Customisation: for pricing, for returns on investment
Imagine walking into a car dealership and saying how much is the price of a car? The sales team would say “what do you ‘need’ from a car > what does it ‘have to be’ to suit your situation > what do you ‘want’ in terms of personalisation, or spec…” – only then can you deliver a meaningful priced quotation and specification. That’s eCommerce in a nutshell.
Below we give a client example of what extra branding, code customisation and clever use of ‘dynamic data serving’ can start to deliver as an experience which is more like the Range Rover Sport, than the Fiat 500, using our new car analogy.
In eCommerce as a sector it’ reported that converting more online sales is massively linked to heavily customising the end user experience, and interactions: happy users return. The more profit exists in your sales (with a greater number of conversions) the more you can further develop the offering, the returns, and so it repeats…
Built for The Business Situation
Consider a successful busy restaurant: no matter the complexity and ordered chaos in the kitchen, front of house has an enjoyable ambiance which delivers ‘an experience and quality of consumption’ you want to repeat. That’s the difference between FRONTEND & BACKEND services of website design and development, interactions and engagements. Definitely for ALL websites, and even more so for eCommerce and repeat business.
The Trinity website helps viewers determine their needs. Because there are literally hundreds of options available to specify a site – many more than you’d have time to review – so that’s where expert designers + developers like Trinity assists. Below are examples of added functionality through plugins and site development…
No Two Business Situations Are Ever The Same
We write posts on Trinity’s Linkedup Platform to better inform readers…giving relatable context and deeper understanding…around what can be a confusing industry. The topic of eCommerce is particularly difficult to fully grasp, let alone digital sales in general.
Through clarity, my hope is for self-financing digital business development and online sales growth be made possible, if done well. And if nothing else, the reader gets to know our values and business services mindset: so a good use of all of our time. But what does Trinity charge?
What Does Trinity Charge For eCommerce?
A the time of writing this post (12th March 2023) our live quotes range from £19,200 – £4000: perfectly showing the diversity in client requirements (no two project requirements are ever the same). We price on a needs basis, making sure we understand what the site needs to deliver.
Through extra clarity around online sales growth being made possible…more easily, more planned, more often…the start of the design and development stage is critically important. Below we start delving into more technical reasons why prices change per situation, and what you can expect as returns by considering them more fully.
Why Only The Industry-Best Hosting Will Do For eCommerce
An online eCommerce store which delivers for both the company and their customers must deliver certain core requirements – on this we suggest you should never compromise.
That’s why Trinity only ever builds, develops and hosts all website assets (websites or eCommerce stores) on enterprise-grade secure hosting. Fast, secure and immediately scalable.
Providing the cleanest code, with the latest Google-favoured and promoted build architecture and methods, ensures our client eCommerce sites start earning its returns on investment (ROI) early; and organically. The secret to ‘self-financing’ online website design and development can never achieve it’s true potential without skilful building and hosting of digital assets…